Team Building Workshops
Building Communication with the Myers Briggs
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality instrument in America. Its primary uses are to improve self understanding and to improve group communications. It helps people discover their natural preferences for their source of energy, for information gathering and decision making, and lifestyle preferences. The focus is on appreciating the gifts and strengths of each Type and examining the impact of style differences on working together with their work team. Fun exercises are used to demonstrate each of the four preferences.
Tall Ships
What does it really mean to function effectively as a team? What factors must be present for great teamwork to exist? Studies show that effective team performance is the result of several interrelated factors which create optimal conditions for success.
The Seven C’s are:
Continuous Improvement
Tall Ships is a fast-paced game that challenges teams to apply various concepts in assembling the tallest ship mast possible in the least amount of time. Lessons learned from this round are discussed and applied to subsequent rounds. Working in small groups, participants apply the seven C’s to plan and work together to complete tasks. An action-planning phase provides teams with an opportunity to apply learnings to their real-life situation.
What Team Building Workshop Clients Are Saying
“Linda is one of our most sought-after trainers. Her workshops are fast paced, innovative, and very interactive. She uses an array of methods and learning techniques including assessments, role plays, small group discussions, individual reflection, paired learning, etc. She is well prepared, comfortable with the materials, has a dynamic presentation style, and gets participants involved in their learning process.”
—L&D Director, Florida Blue